Armour of God Apparel: Clothing Inspired by the Almighty for the 21st Century Christian
About AOG:
Our Humble Roots
In 2019, our Founder and CEO, Jordan Dynamis Atkinson, was given a vision from God: to help those in need by creating a faith-based recovery centre, and clothing the homeless. AOG is just the first step in this vision: every item bought is an item given to those less fortunate! 50% of ALL SALES goes to fund the ‘True North Clothing Line’, which is exclusively donated to shelters and homeless centres across the world!
Purpose Driven Fashion
We’re not just your average t-shirt provider – we print a myriad of designs on many different mediums. Whether it’s hoodies, sweat pants, aprons, mugs, or even ceramic plates or wood signage, we have you covered! We utilize cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art materials to produce virtually any print on nearly any substrate.
Here at AOG, we understand that vision takes imagination – that there is no law of creation save for creation itself. We are excited to produce new ideas with and for our customers. Let us know what you’re thinking, and our design department will get back to you ASAP! Receive a -10% discount on any style you submit which we approve and print! (Restrictions apply)
Armour of God Apparel
Clothing God’s People the World Across